Python library examples

You can use the library to read and edit already-existing metadata files.

Reading a metadata file

First, start up the Python interpreter (python on the command line) and then import the module:

>>> from vod_metadata import VodPackage

Next, open an existing metadata file:

>>> vod_package = VodPackage("C:/Videos/The Hounds of Baskerville.xml")

Accessing metadata attributes

Once you’ve opened a file, its attributes will are available from the vod_package instance. It stores them in dictionaries that correspond to the structure of the metadata file:

  • AMS data: vod_package.D_ams
  • Application data: vod_package.D_app
  • Content data: vod_package.D_content

Each dictionary will have sub-dictionary for the available classes of assets. For example, to access the Provider_ID and Asset_ID for the title asset:

>>> vod_package.D_ams["title"]["Provider_ID"]
>>> vod_package.D_ams["title"]["Asset_ID"]

You may modify the attribute dictionaries with normal assignment:

>>> vod_package.D_app["movie"]["Content_FileSize"] = 251405
>>> vod_package.D_app["movie"]["Content_FileSize"]

Automatic updates

To check whether an asset package contains a poster, look at the has_poster attribute. To remove the poster, call the remove_poster method:

>>> vod_package.has_poster
>>> vod_package.remove_poster()
>>> vod_package.has_poster

To fix up file sizes and checksums, call the check_files method. It will overwrite the existing values with new ones computed by MediaInfo.

>>> vod_package.D_app["preview"]["Content_CheckSum"]
>>> vod_package.check_files()
>>> vod_package.D_app["preview"]["Content_CheckSum"]

If you have a package you need to delete from you system, call the make_delete method.

>>> vod_package.make_delete()
>>> vod_package.D_ams["package"]["Verb"]

Editing files and saving changes

If you’ve made any modifications, you can save a new XML file with the changes like so:

# Save a new version
>>> s = vod_package.write_xml()
>>> with open("altered.xml", 'wb') as outfile:
...     outfile.write(s)
# Overwrite the original file
>>> vod_package.overwrite_xml()